E-Type - Until The End download mp3 free

E-Type - Until The End download mp3 free

Album:Made in Sweden
0bytes / Eurodance Dance Swedish Electronic
Listens: 10

Song E-Type - Until The End download mp3 free and fast. 

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Song lyrics E-Type - Until The End

With no regrets for moments gone 
Or the things we left behind since the beginning
We have come a long way
We know the dreams we had were much too much
But we must keep in mind that what we did
We did in our own way
So, we have to break down the walls
And let ourselves out
We have to take a stand and try to be strong
If this is what we really want then there can be no doubt
This is no place for us, we got to move on

We gotta win this war together
We will fight until the end of the world
We gotta keep it up forever
We will fight until the end of the world
Til' the end....

We have to use our a.d.d.*
So we can cruise around the flow
Then we will see that there are brighter times to come
Now we must set the world on fire,
We can't be afraid to go
We got the atmosphere we know where it's from
So, we have to break down the walls
And let ourselves out
We have to take a stand and try to be strong
If this is what we really want then there can be no doubt
This is no place for us, we got to move on

Bound to hit soon

Until the end of the world
Until the end of the world
We gotta win this war together
(Until the end of the world)
We gotta keep it up forever
(Until the end of the world)

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