No Mercy - Part of Me download mp3 free

No Mercy - Part of Me download mp3 free

Artist:No Mercy
Album:My Promise
0bytes / Dance Pop 90s Crossover
Listens: 42

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Song lyrics No Mercy - Part of Me

What must I do 
I tried everything I could possibly think of
I searched my whole life to find
Someone like you
You mean so much to me
It's a feeling that I just can't describe
I love to feel your touch
The passion between us when I'm deep inside
You are a part of me
One heart one destiny
I want to love you endlessly
You are a part of me
The only love my eyes can see
What do I have to do to make you believe
Why do you question me
I can erase the things that I've done in the past
I want to convince you
That I'll do anything to make these emotions last
These hearts? to me
Tell me what to do
I really want you to believe
All that I say is from the bottom of my heart
But I reach into my soul to say
You are a part of me
One heart one destiny,
I want to love you endlessly
You are a part of me
The only love my eyes can see
What do I have to do to make you believe
In my arms you feel so warm and tender
In your eyes I see forever
Come dance with me
You are a part of me
One heart one destiny
I want to love you endlessly
You are a part of me
The only love my eyes can see
What do I have to do to make you believe

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